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со всех языков на английский

be rained off

  • 1 rained off

    rained off
    cancelado por causa da chuva.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rained off

  • 2 rained off

    [͵reındʹɒf] = rained out

    НБАРС > rained off

  • 3 rained off

    отмененный из-за дождя - the contest was * состязание было отменено из-за дождя

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > rained off

  • 4 rained off

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > rained off

  • 5 rained off

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > rained off

  • 6 rained off

    English-Ukrainian dictionary > rained off

  • 7 rained off

    a несъстоял се поради дъжд
    * * *
    {'reind,ъf} а несьстоял се поради дъжд.
    * * *
    a несъстоял се поради дъжд

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > rained off

  • 8 to be rained off

    suspenderse por la lluvia, cancelarse por la lluvia

    English-spanish dictionary > to be rained off

  • 9 the match was rained off/ out

    the match was rained off/ out
    de wedstrijd werd afgelast/onderbroken vanwege de regen

    English-Dutch dictionary > the match was rained off/ out

  • 10 the contest was rained off

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the contest was rained off

  • 11 the contest was rained off

    sacīkstes izjauca lietus

    English-Latvian dictionary > the contest was rained off

  • 12 rained out

    вж. rained off
    * * *
    {'reind,aut} rained off.
    * * *
    вж. rained off

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > rained out

  • 13 off

    1. adverb

    the lake is not far offder See ist nicht weit [weg od. entfernt]

    Christmas is not far offes ist nicht mehr lang bis Weihnachten

    some way offin einiger Entfernung

    I must be offich muss fort od. weg od. los

    off we go!(we are starting) los od. ab geht's!; (let us start) gehen/fahren wir!

    get the lid offden Deckel abbekommen

    2) (not in good condition) mitgenommen

    the meat etc. is off — das Fleisch usw. ist schlecht [geworden]

    be a bit off(Brit. fig.) ein starkes Stück sein (ugs.)


    be off(switched or turned off) [Wasser, Gas, Strom:] abgestellt sein

    the light/radio etc. is off — das Licht/Radio usw. ist aus


    be off(cancelled) abgesagt sein; [Verlobung:] [auf]gelöst sein

    off and onimmer mal wieder (ugs.)

    5) (not at work) frei

    on my day offan meinem freien Tag

    take/get/have a week etc. off — eine Woche usw. Urlaub nehmen/bekommen/haben

    6) (no longer available)

    soup etc. is off — es gibt keine Suppe usw. mehr

    7) (situated as regards money etc.)

    he is badly etc. off — er ist schlecht usw. gestellt

    be badly off for somethingmit etwas knapp sein

    2. preposition
    1) (from) von

    be off school/work — in der Schule/am Arbeitsplatz fehlen

    get off the subject — [vom Thema] abschweifen

    4) (designed not to cover)
    5) (having lost interest in)

    be off somethingetwas leid sein od. haben (ugs.)

    6) (leading from, not far from)

    a street off the main road — eine Straße, die von der Hauptstraße abgeht

    7) (to seaward of) vor (+ Dat.)
    3. adjective

    the off side(Brit.) (when travelling on the left/right) die rechte/linke Seite

    * * *
    (to register or record time of arriving at or leaving work.) ein-, ausstempeln
    * * *
    [ɒf, AM ɑ:f]
    I. prep
    1. (indicating removal) von + dat
    he wiped all the dust \off the tables er wischte den ganzen Staub von den Tischen
    please take your foot \off mine nimm bitte deinen Fuß von meinem [herunter]
    keep your dog \off my property! halten Sie Ihren Hund von meinem Grundstück fern!
    has anyone taken a book \off my desk? hat jemand ein Buch von meinem Tisch genommen?
    I can't get this paint \off my hands ich bekomme die Farbe nicht von meinen Händen ab
    that cherry stain won't come \off the shirt dieser Kirschfleck geht nicht aus dem Hemd heraus
    he cut a piece \off the cheese er schnitt ein Stück Käse ab
    to be \off the air RADIO, TV nicht mehr senden
    the TV station goes \off the air at 11:30 pm die Fernsehstation beendet ihr Programm um 23.30 Uhr
    2. after vb (moving down) hinunter [von] + dat; (towards sb) herunter [von] + dat
    they jumped \off the cliff sie sprangen von der Klippe
    the boy fell \off his bike several times der Junge fiel ein paar Mal von seinem Fahrrad [herunter]
    he rolled \off the bed er rollte aus dem Bett
    the coat slipped \off his arms der Mantel rutschte von seinen Armen
    3. after vb (moving away) [weg] von + dat
    let's get \off the bus at the next stop lass uns bei der nächsten Bushaltestelle aussteigen
    to get \off sb/sth ( fam) jdn/etw in Ruhe lassen
    4. (away from) weg von + dat
    single wires are leading \off the main lines einzelne Drähte führen von der Hauptleitung weg
    he managed to stay \off alcohol er schaffte es, keinen Alkohol mehr anzurühren
    \off the point nicht relevant
    somehow we keep getting \off the point irgendwie kommen wir immer vom Thema ab
    \off the record inoffiziell, nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt
    \off the subject nicht zum Thema gehörend
    I wish we could talk about something \off the subjects of sports and cars ich würde gerne mal über ein anderes Thema als Sport oder Autos reden
    to get \off the subject vom Thema abschweifen
    a long way \off doing sth weit davon entfernt, etw zu tun
    we're still a long way \off finishing es dauert noch lange, bis wir fertig sind
    far \off weit entfernt
    we're not far \off London now wir haben [es] nicht mehr weit bis London fam
    how far \off finishing the project are we? wie lange werden wir noch brauchen, um das Projekt abzuschließen?
    just \off sth in der Nähe einer S. gen
    they live just \off the main street sie wohnen gleich an der Hauptstraße
    5. (at sea) vor + dat
    to anchor \off Blue Bay vor Blue Bay ankern
    six miles \off Dunkirk sechs Meilen vor Dünkirchen
    6. (absent from)
    to be \off work am Arbeitsplatz fehlen
    he's been \off work for over six months er war seit sechs Monaten nicht mehr bei der Arbeit
    to be \off sb/sth von jdm/etw genug haben
    to be \off one's food keinen Appetit haben
    to go \off sb/sth jdn/etw nicht mehr mögen
    I used to love wine but I've gone \off it recently ich habe immer gerne Wein getrunken, aber seit Kurzem mag ich keinen mehr
    8. (not taking)
    to be \off sth etw nicht mehr einnehmen müssen
    she's well enough to be \off the medicine es geht ihr gut genug, dass sie die Medizin absetzen kann
    to be \off the tablets ohne die Tabletten auskommen
    to come \off the pill die Pille nicht mehr nehmen
    they live \off a small inheritance sie leben von einer kleinen Erbschaft
    the car runs \off solar energy der Wagen läuft mit Solarenergie
    10. (from source)
    I don't like taking money \off you ich möchte kein Geld von dir nehmen
    the girl bought the boy's old bike \off him das Mädchen kaufte dem Jungen sein altes Rad ab
    to get sth \off sb ( fam) etw von jdm bekommen
    11. after n (minus) weniger
    I take $10 \off the price of the jeans for you ich lasse Ihnen 10 Dollar vom Preis für die Jeans nach
    there was $40 or $50 \off most jackets in the shop die meisten Jacken in dem Laden waren um 40 oder 50 Dollar billiger
    \off beam BRIT ( fam) daneben fam
    to be \off beam daneben liegen fam
    \off the cuff aus dem Stegreif
    to have sb \off his/her feet jdn umwerfen fam
    \off one's head nicht ganz bei Trost
    he's \off his head er ist nicht mehr ganz bei Trost
    she went completely \off her head sie hat komplett den Verstand verloren
    \off the top of one's head aus dem Stegreif
    \off the wall ausgeflippt fam
    to go \off the wall ausflippen fam
    II. adv inv
    1. (not on) aus
    to switch [or turn] sth \off etw ausschalten
    2. (away) weg-
    someone's run \off with my pen jemand hat mir meinen Stift geklaut fam
    let's try to \off early tomorrow lass uns versuchen, morgen frühzeitig loszukommen
    I didn't get \off to a very good start this morning der Tag hat für mich nicht gut angefangen
    I'm \off nowsee you tomorrow ich gehe jetzt — wir sehen uns morgen
    she's \off to Canada next week sie fährt nächste Woche nach Kanada
    to drive \off wegfahren
    to go \off weggehen
    I'm just going \off to the shops ich gehe nur schnell mal einkaufen
    to see sb \off jdn verabschieden
    3. (removed) ab-
    I'll take my jacket \off ich ziehe meine Jacke aus
    he helped her \off with her jacket er half ihr aus der Jacke
    one of my buttons has come \off einer von meinen Knöpfen ist abgegangen
    \off with his head! Kopf ab!
    \off with your jacket! zieh die Jacke aus!
    between us we managed to finish \off eight bottles of wine ( fam) zusammen schafften wir es, acht Flaschen Wein zu leeren
    to burn \off ⇆ sth etw verbrennen
    to kill \off ⇆ sth etw vernichten [o ausrotten]
    to kill \off germs Keime abtöten
    to pay \off ⇆ sth etw abbezahlen
    5. (in bad shape) schlecht
    to go \off sich akk verschlechtern; food schlecht werden
    6. (distant in time) entfernt
    your birthday is only one week \off dein Geburtstag ist schon in einer Woche
    to be far \off weit weg sein
    the exams are so far \off es ist noch so lange hin bis zu den Prüfungen
    7. (stopped) abgesagt
    the wedding's \off die Hochzeit ist abgeblasen fam
    his hockey match was rained \off sein Hockeyspiel fand wegen Regen nicht statt
    it's all \off between Philippa and Mike ( fam) zwischen Philippa und Mike ist es aus
    to call sth \off etw absagen
    8. (discounted) reduziert
    there's 40% \off this week on all winter coats diese Woche gibt es einen Preisnachlass von 40 % auf alle Wintermäntel
    to get money \off Rabatt bekommen
    to shut \off streets Straßen sperren
    to fence sth \off etw abzäunen
    10. (expressing riddance)
    we went out to walk \off some of our dinner wir ging raus, um einen Verdauungsspaziergang zu machen
    he's gone to sleep \off a headache after rather too much alcohol er ist dabei, seinen Kater auszuschlafen
    to laugh sth \off etw mit einem Lachen abtun
    III. adj inv
    1. (not working) außer Betrieb; (switched off) aus[geschaltet]; tap zugedreht; heating abgestellt
    I can't find the \off switch ich kann den Schalter nicht finden
    2. pred FOOD (bad) verdorben; milk sauer
    the cream is \off die Sahne hat einen Stich BRD
    3. (not at work)
    to be \off freihaben
    to have/take some time \off einige Zeit freibekommen/freinehmen
    4. pred ( fam: in bad shape) schlecht
    I'm having an \off day today ich habe heute einen schlechten Tag
    5. (provided for)
    sb is badly/well \off jdm geht es [finanziell] schlecht/gut, jd ist schlecht/gut dran fam
    I'm quite well \off for sweaters was Pullover angeht, bin ich gut ausgestattet
    how are you \off for money? BRIT, AUS wie sieht es bei dir mit dem Geld aus?
    6. pred FOOD (run out) aus[gegangen]
    7. pred esp BRIT ( fam: rude) behaviour daneben fam
    that's a bit \off das ist ein dicker Hund [o nicht die feine Art] fam
    IV. n no pl
    to be ready for the \off bereit zum Gehen sein
    V. vt AM (sl)
    to \off sb jdn um die Ecke bringen fam, jdn abmurksen sl [o fam umlegen]
    * * *
    1. adv

    (distance) the house is 5 km off — das Haus ist 5 km entfernt

    some way off (from here) — in einiger Entfernung (von hier)

    it's a long way off — das ist weit weg; (time) das liegt in weiter Ferne

    August isn't/the exams aren't very far off —

    noises off (Theat)Geräusche pl hinter den Kulissen


    (departure) to be/go off — gehen

    (be) off with you!fort mit dir!, mach, dass du wegkommst!

    it's time I was off — es wird or ist (höchste) Zeit, dass ich gehe

    where are you off to? — wohin gehen Sie denn?, wohin gehts denn? (inf)

    off we go! — los!, auf los gehts los!, na denn man los! (inf)


    (removal) he had his coat off — er hatte den Mantel aus

    he helped me off with my coater half mir aus dem Mantel

    there are two buttons off — es fehlen zwei Knöpfe, da sind zwei Knöpfe ab

    off with his head! — herunter mit seinem Kopf!, Kopf ab!


    (= discount) 3% off (Comm) — 3% Nachlass or Abzug

    3% off for cash (Comm) — 3% Skonto, bei Barzahlung 3%

    to give sb £5/something off — jdm £ 5 Ermäßigung/eine Ermäßigung geben

    he let me have £5 off — er gab es mir (um) £ 5 billiger


    (= not at work) to have time off to do sth — (Zeit) freibekommen haben, um etw zu tun


    (in phrases) off and on, on and off — ab und zu, ab und an

    2. adj
    1) attr (= substandard) year, day etc schlecht
    2) pred (Brit: not fresh) verdorben, schlecht; milk schlecht, sauer; butter ranzig
    3) pred (= cancelled) match, party, talks abgesagt; (= not available in restaurant) chops, fish aus

    the bet/agreement is off — die Wette/Abmachung gilt nicht (mehr)

    4) TV, light, machine aus(geschaltet); tap zu(gedreht)

    the gas/electricity was off — das Gas/der Strom war abgeschaltet


    they are badly/well or comfortably off — sie sind nicht gut/(ganz) gut gestellt, sie stehen sich schlecht/(ganz) gut

    I am badly off for money/time —

    how are we off for time? — wie sieht es mit der Zeit aus?, wie viel Zeit haben wir noch?

    he is better/worse off staying in England — er steht sich in England besser/schlechter

    6) pred

    (= wide of the truth etc) you're off there — da irrst du gewaltig, da vertust du dich

    7) pred (inf)

    it's a bit off not letting me know — das ist ja nicht die feine Art, mir nicht Bescheid zu sagen

    3. prep

    he got £2 off the shirt — er bekam das Hemd £ 2 billiger

    2) (= distant from) ab(gelegen) von (+dat); (= in a side street from) in einer Nebenstraße von (+dat); (NAUT) vor (+dat)

    the house was just off the main roaddas Haus lag in unmittelbarer Nähe der Hauptstraße

    just off Piccadilly — in der Nähe von Piccadilly, gleich bei Piccadilly

    * * *
    off [ɒf]
    A adv
    a) weg oder fort sein,
    b) (weg)gehen,
    c) SPORT starten;
    be off!, off you go!, off with you! fort mit dir!, weg!;
    off to bed with you! ins Bett mit euch!;
    where are you off to? wo gehst du hin?;
    he’s off sick today er hat sich für heute krankgemeldet
    2. ab…, aus…, los…:
    the apple is off der Apfel ist ab;
    have one’s shoes off seine oder die Schuhe ausgezogen haben; academic.ru/33817/hat">hat Bes Redew
    3. weg, entfernt:
    4. Zeitpunkt: von jetzt an, hin:
    Christmas is a week off bis Weihnachten ist es eine Woche;
    a) ab und zu, hin und wieder,
    b) ab und an, mit (kurzen) Unterbrechungen
    5. 5% off WIRTSCH 5% Nachlass
    6. TECH aus (geschaltet), abgeschaltet, abgestellt (Maschine, Radio etc), (ab)gesperrt (Gas etc), zu (Hahn etc):
    “off” „aus“
    7. be off ausfallen, nicht stattfinden:
    the bet is off die Wette gilt nicht mehr;
    their engagement is off sie haben ihre Verlobung gelöst;
    the whole thing is off die ganze Sache ist abgeblasen oder ins Wasser gefallen (beide umg)
    8. aus(gegangen), (aus)verkauft, nicht mehr vorrätig, alle:
    9. frei (von Arbeit):
    take a day off sich einen Tag freinehmen;
    have one day a week off einen Tag in der Woche freihaben;
    give sb the afternoon off jemandem den Nachmittag freigeben;
    she’s off today sie hat heute ihren freien Tag
    10. ganz, zu Ende: die Verbindungen mit den verschiedenen Verben
    11. WIRTSCH flau:
    12. nicht mehr frisch, (leicht) verdorben (Nahrungsmittel):
    the milk is off die Milch hat einen Stich umg
    13. SPORT nicht in Form
    14. besonders US im Irrtum:
    you are off on that point da bist du auf dem Holzweg umg
    15. be a little off umg einen (leichten) Stich haben
    16. SCHIFF vom Lande etc ab
    17. well (badly) off gut (schlecht) d(a)ran oder gestellt oder situiert;
    how are you off for …? wie sieht es bei dir mit … aus?, wie steht es bei dir mit …?
    B präp
    1. weg von, fort von, von (… weg oder ab oder herunter):
    climb off the horse vom Pferd (herunter)steigen;
    take sth off the table etwas vom Tisch (weg)nehmen;
    he drove them off the seas er vertrieb sie von den Weltmeeren;
    eat off a plate von einem Teller essen;
    cut a slice off the loaf eine Scheibe vom Laib abschneiden;
    take 5 percent (Br per cent) off the price 5 Prozent vom Preis abziehen
    2. weg von, entfernt von, abseits von (oder gen), von … ab:
    a street off Piccadilly eine Seitenstraße von Piccadilly;
    off the ball SPORT ohne Ball;
    sing off the note falsch singen;
    be off size vom Maß abweichen
    3. frei von: duty A 2
    a) etwas nicht mehr mögen,
    b) kuriert von etwas sein umg:
    be off smoking nicht mehr rauchen; drug A 2
    5. SCHIFF auf der Höhe von Trafalgar etc, vor der Küste etc:
    6. von: dine A
    C adj
    1. (weiter) entfernt
    2. Seiten…, Neben…:
    3. fig Neben…, sekundär, nebensächlich
    4. recht(er, e, es) (von Tieren, Fuhrwerken etc):
    the off hind leg das rechte Hinterbein;
    the off horse das rechte Pferd, das Handpferd
    5. SCHIFF weiter von der Küste entfernt, seewärts gelegen
    6. ab(-), los(gegangen), weg:
    the button is off der Knopf ist ab
    7. (arbeits-, dienst)frei:
    an off day ein freier Tag ( C 8)
    8. schlecht:
    an off day ein schlechter Tag (an dem alles misslingt) ( C 7);
    I’m having one of my off days heute geht mir alles schief, das ist heute nicht mein Tag;
    he must have written this on an off day er muss einen schlechten Tag gehabt haben, als er das geschrieben hat;
    an off year for fruit ein schlechtes Obstjahr; off year
    9. besonders WIRTSCH flau, still, tot:
    off season auch Nebensaison f
    10. besonders WIRTSCH minderwertig, von schlechter Qualität:
    off shade Fehlfarbe f
    11. I am feeling rather off today ich bin heute nicht ganz auf der Höhe umg
    12. fig schwach, entfernt: chance A 3
    D v/t US sl jemanden umlegen
    E v/i meist imp verschwinden
    F int fort!, weg!, raus!:
    hands off! Hände weg!
    * * *
    1. adverb
    1) (away, at or to a distance)

    the lake is not far off — der See ist nicht weit [weg od. entfernt]

    I must be offich muss fort od. weg od. los

    off we go! (we are starting) los od. ab geht's!; (let us start) gehen/fahren wir!

    the meat etc. is off — das Fleisch usw. ist schlecht [geworden]

    be a bit off(Brit. fig.) ein starkes Stück sein (ugs.)


    be off (switched or turned off) [Wasser, Gas, Strom:] abgestellt sein

    the light/radio etc. is off — das Licht/Radio usw. ist aus


    be off (cancelled) abgesagt sein; [Verlobung:] [auf]gelöst sein

    take/get/have a week etc. off — eine Woche usw. Urlaub nehmen/bekommen/haben

    soup etc. is off — es gibt keine Suppe usw. mehr

    7) (situated as regards money etc.)

    he is badly etc. off — er ist schlecht usw. gestellt

    2. preposition
    1) (from) von

    be off school/work — in der Schule/am Arbeitsplatz fehlen

    get off the subject — [vom Thema] abschweifen

    be off somethingetwas leid sein od. haben (ugs.)

    6) (leading from, not far from)

    a street off the main road — eine Straße, die von der Hauptstraße abgeht

    7) (to seaward of) vor (+ Dat.)
    3. adjective

    the off side(Brit.) (when travelling on the left/right) die rechte/linke Seite

    * * *
    ausgeschaltet adj.
    entfernt adj.
    fort adj.
    von adj. prep.
    aus präp.

    English-german dictionary > off

  • 14 off

    (to register or record time of arriving at or leaving work.) stemple inn/ut
    verb \/ɒf\/
    1) stikke av
    2) avlyse
    3) (amer.) drepe
    be offing ( sjøfart) styre ut til sjøs
    verb \/ɒf\/
    (amer., slang) knerte, drepe
    adj. \/ɒf\/
    1) bortre, lengst bort, andre
    3) fri-
    4) ( om mulighet) svak, liten
    have one's off moments ha sine dårlige stunder ha sine rolige stunder, ha friperioder
    off drive ( i cricket) et slag mot kasterens venstre side (hvis slagmannen er høyrehendt)
    off season lavsesong
    off side ( i cricket) den del av banen som ligger foran og til høyre for en (høyrehendt) slagmann
    off street sidegate
    adv. \/ɒf\/
    1) bort, i vei, av sted
    off with you!
    hats off!
    2) av
    3) tilbake
    4) bort fra, vekk fra, unna
    are we far off?
    5) fri
    6) ( teater) utenfor, bak
    7) ( sjøfart) fra land, fra vinden
    8) helt, til fulle
    be off være av, ha løsnet
    gi seg i vei, stikke
    the horses are off!
    where are you off to? - I'm off to London
    now at last we're off!
    be off with you!
    være fri, ha fri være slutt, være avblåst, være avlyst, være innstilt, være avbrutt
    være avstengt, være frakoblet
    duppe av, være borte
    ( hverdagslig) ikke være fersk, være dårlig, være halvsur
    være... stilt
    how are you off for money?
    feel off ( hverdagslig) føle seg dårlig
    off and on av og på, opp og ned, til og fra av og til, nå og da
    off with av sted med
    prep. \/ɒf\/
    1) bort fra, fra, ned fra, av, bort(e), ute av
    take your elbows off the table!
    2) ved, nær, på høyde med, utenfor (spesielt sjøfart)
    3) fra
    4) på, av
    3% discount off the price
    3% rabatt på prisen
    be off something\/somebody ( hverdagslig) ha mistet interessen for noe\/noen, ha sluttet med noe
    dine off ha til middag, spise
    just off rett ved siden av, like utenfor

    English-Norwegian dictionary > off

  • 15 off

    [ɒf, Am ɑ:f] adv
    1) ( not on) aus;
    to switch [or turn] sth \off etw ausschalten
    2) ( away) weg-;
    someone's run \off with my pen jemand hat mir meinen Stift geklaut ( fam)
    if we can get \off early tomorrow morning we'll avoid most of the traffic wenn wir morgen frühzeitig loskommen, können wir den größten Verkehr vermeiden; ( fig)
    I didn't get \off to a very good start this morning der Tag hat für mich nicht gut angefangen;
    I'm \off now - see you tomorrow ich gehe jetzt - wir sehen uns morgen;
    she's \off to Canada next week sie fährt nächste Woche nach Kanada;
    to drive \off wegfahren;
    to go \off weggehen;
    I'm just going \off to the shops ich gehe nur schnell mal einkaufen;
    to see sb \off jdn verabschieden
    3) ( removed) ab-;
    I'll take my jacket \off ich werde meine Jacke ausziehen;
    \off with his head! Kopf ab!;
    \off with your jacket! zieh die Jacke aus!;
    one of my buttons has come \off einer von meinen Knöpfen ist abgegangen;
    to cut sth \off etw abschneiden
    between us we managed to finish \off eight bottles of wine ( fam) zusammen schafften wir es, acht Weinflaschen zu leeren;
    to burn sth \off etw verbrennen;
    to kill sth \off etw vernichten [o ausrotten];
    to pay sth \off etw abbezahlen
    5) ( in bad shape) schlecht;
    to go \off sich akk verschlechtern
    6) ( distant) entfernt;
    to be far \off weit weg sein;
    the exams are so far \off es ist noch so lange hin bis zu den Prüfungen
    7) ( stopped) abgesagt;
    the wedding's \off die Hochzeit ist abgeblasen ( fam)
    his hockey match was rained \off sein Hockeyspiel fand wegen Regen nicht statt;
    it's all \off between Philippa and Mike ( fam) zwischen Philippa und Mike ist es aus;
    to call sth \off etw absagen
    8) ( discounted) reduziert;
    there's 40% \off this week on all winter coats diese Woche gibt es einen Preisnachlass von 40% auf alle Wintermäntel;
    to get money \off Rabatt bekommen
    to shut \off streets Straßen sperren;
    to fence sth \off etw abzäunen
    we went out for a while to walk \off some of our dinner wir gingen eine Weile raus, um einen Verdauungsspaziergang zu machen;
    he's gone to sleep \off a headache after rather too much alcohol er ist dabei, seinen Kater auszuschlafen;
    to laugh sth \off etw mit einem Lachen abtun adj
    1) ( switched off) aus[geschaltet];
    I can't find the \off switch ich kann den Schalter nicht finden
    2) pred ( bad) verdorben; milk sour;
    the cream is \off die Sahne hat einen Stich;
    to go \off schlecht werden
    to be \off freihaben;
    he's \off at the moment er hat momentan frei;
    she had six weeks \off because of sickness last year sie hatte letztes Jahr sechs Wochen wegen Krankheit freigenommen;
    to take/have some time \off einige Zeit freinehmen/freibekommen
    4) pred (fam: in bad shape) schlecht;
    I'm having an \off day today ich habe heute einen schlechten Tag
    to be badly/well \off schlecht/gut situiert sein;
    I'm quite well \off for sweaters was Pullover angeht, bin ich gut ausgestattet;
    (Brit, Aus)
    how are you \off for money? wie sieht es bei dir mit dem Geld aus?
    6) pred food ( run out) aus;
    the waiter explained that the salmon was \off der Kellner sagte, dass der Lachs ausverkauft sei
    7) pred ( esp Brit) ( fam);
    a bit \off ein dicker Hund ( fam), nicht die feine Art prep
    1) after vb ( moving away) [weg] von +dat;
    please take your foot \off mine nimm bitte deinen Fuß von meinem [herunter];
    I can't get this paint \off my hands ich bekomme die Farbe nicht von meinen Händen ab;
    keep your dog \off my property! halten Sie Ihren von meinem Grundstück fern!;
    that cherry stain won't come \off the shirt dieser Kirschfleck geht nicht aus dem Hemd heraus;
    has anyone taken a book \off my desk? hat jemand ein Buch von meinem Tisch weggenommen?;
    let's get \off the bus at the next stop lass uns bei der nächsten Bushaltestelle aussteigen;
    to get \off sb/ sth ( fam) jdn/etw in Ruhe lassen
    2) after vb ( moving down) herunter [von] +dat, hinunter [von] +dat;
    they jumped \off the cliff sie sprangen die Klippe hinunter;
    the boy fell \off his bike several times der Junge fiel ein paar Mal von seinem Fahrrad herunter;
    he rolled \off the bed er rollte aus dem Bett;
    the coat slipped \off his arms der Mantel rutschte von seinen Armen
    3) after vb ( away from) weg von +dat;
    single wires are leading \off the main lines einzelne Drähte führen von der Hauptleitung weg after adj
    far \off weit entfernt;
    we're not far \off London now wir sind nicht weit von London entfernt;
    how far \off finishing the project are we? wie viel Zeit haben wir noch bis zum Ende des Projekts? after adv
    just \off sth in der Nähe von etw dat;
    they live just \off the main street sie wohnen gleich bei der Hauptstraße after n
    a long way \off doing sth noch weit von etw dat entfernt sein;
    we're still a long way \off finishing wir sind noch weit vom Ende entfernt;
    \off the point nicht relevant;
    somehow we keep getting \off the point wir kommen irgendwie vom Thema ab;
    \off the record inoffiziell, nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt;
    \off the subject of sth nicht zu einem Thema gehörend, etw nicht betreffend;
    to get \off the subject vom Thema abschweifen;
    I wish we could talk about something \off the subjects of sports and cars ich würde gerne mal über ein anderes Thema als Sport oder Autos reden
    4) ( separated from) von +dat;
    he wiped all the dust \off the tables er wischte den ganzen Staub von den Tischen;
    to cut a piece \off the cheese ein Stück Käse abschneiden
    5) after vb ( out at sea) vor +dat;
    to anchor \off Blue Bay vor Blue Bay ankern after n
    six miles \off Dunkirk sechs Meilen vor Dünkirchen
    to be \off work am Arbeitsplatz fehlen;
    he's been \off work for over six months er war seit sechs Monaten nicht mehr bei der Arbeit
    7) (fam: stop liking)
    to be \off sb/ sth jdn/etw leid sein;
    to be \off one's food keinen Appetit haben;
    to go \off sb/ sth jdn/etw nicht mehr mögen;
    I used to love wine but I've gone \off it recently ich habe immer gerne Wein getrunken, aber seit kurzem mag ich in nicht mehr
    8) ( not using)
    to come \off the pill die Pille nicht mehr nehmen;
    to be/come \off sth etw weglassen;
    she's well enough to be \off the medicine es geht ihr gut genug, um die Medizin abzusetzen;
    to be \off the tablets ohne die Tabletten auskommen;
    to have sb \off one's feet ( fig) jdn umwerfen ( fig)
    9) ( utilizing)
    to do sth \off sth etw von etw dat tun;
    they live \off a small inheritance sie leben von einem kleinen Erbe;
    the car runs \off solar energy der Wagen läuft mit Solarenergie
    he managed to stay \off alcohol er schaffte es, keinen Alkohol mehr anzurühren
    to do sth \off sb etw von jdm tun;
    I don't like taking money \off you ich möchte kein Geld von dir nehmen;
    the girl bought the boy's old bike \off him das Mädchen kaufte dem Jungen sein altes Rad ab;
    to get sth \off sb ( fam) etw von jdm bekommen
    12) after n ( minus) weniger;
    I take $10 \off the price of the jeans for you ich lasse Ihnen $10 vom Preis für die Jeans nach;
    there was $40 or $50 \off most jackets in the shop die meisten Jacken in dem Laden waren um $40 oder $50 billiger
    13) radio, tv ( stopped)
    to be \off the air nicht mehr senden;
    the TV station goes \off the air at 11:30 die Fernsehstation beendet ihr Programm um 23.30 Uhr
    \off beam ( Brit) ( fam) daneben ( fam)
    to be \off beam daneben liegen ( fam)
    \off the cuff aus dem Stegreif;
    \off one's head nicht ganz bei Trost;
    he is \off his head er hat den Verstand verloren;
    \off the top of one's head aus dem Stegreif;
    \off the wall ausgeflippt ( fam)
    to go \off the wall ausflippen ( fam) n
    to be ready for the \off bereit zum Gehen sein vt (Am) (sl);
    to \off sb jdn um die Ecke bringen ( fam), jdn abmurksen (sl); [o ( fam) umlegen]

    English-German students dictionary > off

  • 16 off

    /ɔ:f/ * phó từ - tắt =is the lamp off?+ đèn đã tắt chưa? - đi, đi rồi =they are off+ họ đã đi rồi =off with you+ đi đi, cút đi - ra khỏi, đứt, rời =to cut something off+ cắt cái gì rời hẳn ra =one of the wheels flew off+ một bánh xe long hẳn ra =to take one's clothes off+ cởi quần áo ra - xa cách =the town is ten kilometers off+ thành phố cách đây 10 kilômét = Tet is not far off+ sắp đến tết rồi - hẳn, hết =to finish off a piece of work+ làm xong hẳn một công việc =to pay off one's debts+ trả hết nợ - thôi =to declare off somebody's service+ tuyên bố thôi không cần sự giúp đỡ của ai =to leave off work+ nghỉ việc - nổi bật =the picture is set off by the frame+ cái khung làm nổi bật bức tranh =to show off+ khoe mẽ !to be badly off - nghèo !to be well off !to be comfortably off - phong lưu, sung túc !off and on - lúc lúc, chốc chốc, chập chờn lúc có lúc không =it rained off and on+ trời chốc chốc lại mưa !right off - (xem) right !straight off - (xem) straight * giới từ - khỏi, cách, rời =the cover has come off the book+ cái bìa tuột khỏi quyển sách =to drive the enemy off the seas+ đuổi quân thù ra khỏi mặt biển =the island is off the coast+ đảo cách xa bờ =to take a matter off somoene's hands+ đỡ một việc cho ai =a street off Hue street+ một phố khỏi phố Huế !to be off colour - (xem) colour !to be off duty - (xem) duty !to be off liquor - nhịn rượu, bỏ rượu !to be off the mark - trượt, không trúng; (nghĩa bóng) lạc đề !off the map - (xem) map !to be off one's feed - (xem) feed !to be off one's games - (xem) game !to be off one's head - (xem) head !to be off the point - (xem) point !to be off smoking - nhịn thuốc lá, bỏ thuốc lá !to play off 5 - chơi chấp năm * tính từ - phải, bên phải (xe, ngựa) =to mount a horse on the off side+ lên ngựa bên phải - xa, cách, ngoài, bên kia =to be on the off side of the wall+ ở phía bên kia tường - mặt sau, mặt trái tờ giấy - mỏng manh =an off chance+ cơ hội mỏng manh - ôi, ươn =the meat is a bit off+ thịt hơi ôi - ốm, mệt =he is rather off today+ hôm nay anh ta hơi mệt - nhàn rỗi, nghỉ, vãn =an off season+ mùa đã vãn =an off day+ ngày nghỉ =off time+ thời gian nhàn rỗi - phụ, nhỏ, hẻm =an off streets+ phố hẻm =an off issue+ vấn đề phụ * danh từ - (thể dục,thể thao) cú đánh về bên phải (crikê) * ngoại động từ - (thông tục) tỏ ý bỏ, tỏ ý thôi (cuộc đàm phán, sự thoả thuận, công cuộc) - rút lui thôi không đàm phán với (ai), rút lui lời cam kết với ai * thán từ - cút đi! Xéo

    English-Vietnamese dictionary > off

  • 17 off

    I. 1. отдалечаване, отдалеченост, разстояние и по време от-, из-, на-
    to be/set OFF тръгвам, поемам, заминавам, отивам си
    to fly OFF излитам, отлитам
    (get) OFF with you! махай се! да те няма! house a mile OFF къща на една миля разстояние
    far OFF далече
    the elections arc two weeks OFF до изберите остават две седмици
    noises OFF театр. шумове зад сцената
    2. махане, сваляне, пълно откъсване от-, и без превод
    with one's coat OFF без палто
    hats OFF! шапки долу! with his hat OFF гологлав
    to cut/bite/tear OFF отрязвам/отхапвам/откъсвам
    OFF with his head! обезглавете го
    3. прекъсване на действието от-
    и без npeвoд
    the engagement is OFF/is broken OFF годежът e развален
    the water is OFF водата e спряла, спрели ca водата
    the dish is OFF ястието свърши (в pecmopaнm)
    the deal is OFF развалихме/развалиха сделката
    the concert is OFF концертът се отменя
    the play is OFF пиесата не се играе вече
    4. извършване на действие докрaй из-, до-, от-
    to drink something OFF изпивам нещо докрай/до дъно
    to pay OFF изплащам докрай
    the pain will wear OFF болката ще премине
    5. намаляване на брой, количество от-
    и без превод, the number of customers dropped OFF купувачите намаляха
    I must knock OFF a stone or two трябва да смъкна десетина килограма
    a dollar OFF (с) един долар по-малко (от определената цена)
    6. не на работа, без превод
    to take a day OFF взимам един ден отпуск
    to take time OFF отсъствувам от работа, намирам време, откъсвам се от работата си (за да направя нещо)
    to be OFF развален/вмирисан съм (за храна)
    разг. започвам да говоря надълго и широко (on a subject по даден въпрос)
    she's OFF again! пак захвана! OFF and on, on and OFF от време на време
    it rained on and OFF преваляваше
    right/straight OFF веднага
    II. 1. сваляне, падане, махване от
    to fall OFF a tree/ladder падам от дърво/стълба
    to take something OFF the price отбивам известна сума от цената
    2. отдалечаване, отдалеченост, на разстояние, настрана от от, край
    OFF shore малко навътфе в морето
    OFF the road край пътя
    street OFF the main road улица, която се отклонява от главния път, странична улица
    dress OFF the shoulders рокля, която не покрива раменете
    3. източник от
    to win money OFF someone спечелвам пари от някого
    to eat OFF silver plate ям от сребърни съдове
    to live OFF investments живея/издържам се от влогове
    4. незаетост
    OFF duty/work не на работа, свободен (от служебни задължения)
    to have time OFF work имам свободно време
    5. не на нужната висота, не съвсем
    OFF form/one's game сп. не във форма (и прен)
    OFF white леко кремаво
    OFF black почти черно
    6. липса на охота, апетит за, към
    to be OFF one's food не ми се яде, нямам апетит
    7. въздържане от
    to be OFF smoking отказал съм се от пушене
    8. прекъсване
    to be OFF one's diet прекъснал съм си диетата
    to be OFF football не играя вече футбол
    to be OFF the job не се занимавам вече с дадена работа
    III. 1. отдалечен, оттатъшен
    on the OFF side of the building на оттатъшната страна на сградата
    2. десен, външен (от чифт, два коня и пр.), ам. десен (за страна на шосе)
    3. страничен, второстепенен (за път, въпрос)
    4. малко вероятен
    OFF chance твърде малка вероятност
    5. свободен, незает
    OFF day свободен ден
    OFF hours свободни часове, свободно време
    6. под обикновеното ниво, не на нужната висота, по-малък (на брой, по количество), мъртъв, слаб (за сезон, търговия), не във форма
    7. мор. който е на известно разстояние (от брега)
    IV. 1. крикет offside
    2. ам. несполука, нeуспех
    I've had my OFFs and ons видял cъм добри и лоши дни
    3. начало на конни състезанпя
    V. v разг
    1. отказвам се от (споразумение, начинание), прекъсвам (преговори) с
    2. мор. поемам в открито море
    3. разг. свалям дреха
    to OFF with one's coat свалям си палтото
    4. to OFF it отивам си, тръгвам си
    VI. int марш!
    * * *
    {'ъf} adv 1. отдалечаване, отдалеченост; разстояние и по време от(2) {'ъf} prep 1. сваляне, падане, махване от; to fall off a tree/l{3} {'ъf} а 1. отдалечен; оттатьшен; on the off side of the buildin{4} {'ъf} n 1. крикет offside; 2. ам. несполука, нeуспех; I've ha{5} {'ъf} v разг. 1. отказвам се от (споразумение, начинание); пр{6} {'ъf} int марш!
    * * *
    свален; свършен; свободен; отдалечен; външен; второстепенен; изключен; невключен; незаетост;
    * * *
    1. (get) off with you! махай се! да те няма! house a mile off къща на една миля разстояние 2. a dollar off (с) един долар по-малко (от определената цена) 3. dress off the shoulders рокля, която не покрива раменете 4. far off далече 5. hats off! шапки долу! with his hat off гологлав 6. i must knock off a stone or two трябва да смъкна десетина килограма 7. i've had my offs and ons видял cъм добри и лоши дни 8. i. отдалечаване, отдалеченост, разстояние и по време от-, из-, на- 9. ii. сваляне, падане, махване от 10. iii. отдалечен, оттатъшен 11. it rained on and off преваляваше 12. iv. крикет offside 13. noises off театр. шумове зад сцената 14. off black почти черно 15. off chance твърде малка вероятност 16. off day свободен ден 17. off duty/work не на работа, свободен (от служебни задължения) 18. off form/one's game сп. не във форма (и прен) 19. off hours свободни часове, свободно време 20. off shore малко навътфе в морето 21. off the road край пътя 22. off white леко кремаво 23. off with his head! обезглавете го 24. on the off side of the building на оттатъшната страна на сградата 25. right/straight off веднага 26. she's off again! пак захвана! off and on, on and off от време на време 27. street off the main road улица, която се отклонява от главния път, странична улица 28. the concert is off концертът се отменя 29. the deal is off развалихме/развалиха сделката 30. the dish is off ястието свърши (в pecmopaнm) 31. the elections arc two weeks off до изберите остават две седмици 32. the engagement is off/is broken off годежът e развален 33. the pain will wear off болката ще премине 34. the play is off пиесата не се играе вече 35. the water is off водата e спряла, спрели ca водата 36. to be off football не играя вече футбол 37. to be off one's diet прекъснал съм си диетата 38. to be off one's food не ми се яде, нямам апетит 39. to be off smoking отказал съм се от пушене 40. to be off the job не се занимавам вече с дадена работа 41. to be off развален/вмирисан съм (за храна) 42. to be/set off тръгвам, поемам, заминавам, отивам си 43. to cut/bite/tear off отрязвам/отхапвам/откъсвам 44. to drink something off изпивам нещо докрай/до дъно 45. to eat off silver plate ям от сребърни съдове 46. to fall off a tree/ladder падам от дърво/стълба 47. to fly off излитам, отлитам 48. to have time off work имам свободно време 49. to live off investments живея/издържам се от влогове 50. to off it отивам си, тръгвам си 51. to off with one's coat свалям си палтото 52. to pay off изплащам докрай 53. to take a day off взимам един ден отпуск 54. to take something off the price отбивам известна сума от цената 55. to take time off отсъствувам от работа, намирам време, откъсвам се от работата си (за да направя нещо) 56. to win money off someone спечелвам пари от някого 57. v. v разг 58. vi. int марш! 59. with one's coat off без палто 60. ам. несполука, нeуспех 61. въздържане от 62. десен, външен (от чифт, два коня и пр.), ам. десен (за страна на шосе) 63. и без npeвoд 64. и без превод, the number of customers dropped off купувачите намаляха 65. извършване на действие докрaй из-, до-, от- 66. източник от 67. липса на охота, апетит за, към 68. малко вероятен 69. махане, сваляне, пълно откъсване от-, и без превод 70. мор. който е на известно разстояние (от брега) 71. мор. поемам в открито море 72. намаляване на брой, количество от- 73. начало на конни състезанпя 74. не на нужната висота, не съвсем 75. не на работа, без превод 76. незаетост 77. отдалечаване, отдалеченост, на разстояние, настрана от от, край 78. отказвам се от (споразумение, начинание), прекъсвам (преговори) с 79. под обикновеното ниво, не на нужната висота, по-малък (на брой, по количество), мъртъв, слаб (за сезон, търговия), не във форма 80. прекъсване 81. прекъсване на действието от- 82. разг. започвам да говоря надълго и широко (on a subject по даден въпрос) 83. разг. свалям дреха 84. свободен, незает 85. страничен, второстепенен (за път, въпрос)
    * * *
    off[ɔ:f, ɔf] I. adv 1. отдалечаване, отдалеченост, разстояние и по време: от (от-), из (из-); на (на-); to be ( set, take o.s.) \off тръгвам, поемам, заминавам; отивам си; to make \off махам се, офейквам; ( get) \off with you! махай се, да те няма! \off with his head! обезглавете го! the girl ran \off момичето избяга; a house a mile \off къща на една миля разстояние; far \off далече, в далечината; 2 weeks \off след две седмици; to sail \off and on мор. плувам ту към откритото море, ту към брега; 2. махане, сваляне, пълно откъсване: без превод; от (от-); to take 10 percent \off смъквам (намалявам с) 10 процента; to take o.'s coat \off свалям си палтото; hats \off! шапки долу! to cut ( bite, tear) \off отрязвам, отхапвам, откъсвам; 3. прекъсване на действието: без превод; от-; the water is \off водата е спряна, спрели са водата; the dish is \off ястието е свършило (в ресторант); the deal is \off развалихме (развалиха) сделката; 4. извършване на действие докрай: из (из-); до (до-); от (от-); to kill \off all vermin избивам (ликвидирам) всички паразити; to work \off отработвам; 5. намаляване на брой, количество: без превод; от-; the number of customers dropped \off клиентелата намаля; a week \off една седмица отпуск; I must knock \off a stone or two трябва да отслабна с десетина килограма; 6. освобождаване, отърсване; to sleep \off a hangover спя, за да ми мине махмурлука; 7. откачане, прекратяване на контакта; to turn the radio \off изключвам радиото; to be well ( badly) \off добре (зле) съм материално; to be badly \off for нямам достатъчно от, зле съм с (откъм), не ми достига; \off and on от време на време; с прекъсвания; right ( straight) \off веднага; a bit \off жарг., неприятен; непочтен; кофти; II. prep 1. сваляне, падане: от; to fall \off a tree падам от дърво; to take tax \off potatoes махам данъка върху картофите; 2. отдалечаване, отдалеченост, на разстояние от: от; \off shore навътре в морето; \off the road край пътя; a street \off the main road улица, която се отклонява от главния път; странична улица; keep \off the grass не гази тревата; \off the mark далеч от целта; прен. не във връзка с разискван въпрос; it is \off the point това няма нищо общо с въпроса; 3. източник, обект: без превод; to live \off the fat of the land живея в охолство, водя безгрижен живот; 4. незаетост; to have time \off ( work) имам свободно време; 5. не на нужната висота: badly \off o.'s game сп. не във форма; \off o.'s feed без апетит; \off black почти (ненаситено) черно; 6. въздържане от: to be \off meat не ям месо; III. adj 1. отдалечен, свален; \off consumption of intoxicants домашна консумация на спиртни питиета; you're \off in your calculation сбъркали сте в изчисленията; 2. второстепенен; an \off road страничен път; an \off issue въпрос от второстепенно значение; 3. изключен, не в действие, неработещ (за мотор и пр.); отменен; отложен (за събитие); 4. десен, външен; the \off side външна, дясна (ам. лява) страна; 5. малко вероятен; 6. незает, свободен; an \off day свободен ден; лош ден, когато човек не е във форма; 7. под обикновеното ниво, не на нужната висота; по-малък (като брой, по количество); an \off season мъртъв сезон; profits are \off печалбите са по-малки; this fish is a bit \off рибата не е съвсем (дотам) прясна; I'am feeling rather \off today днес не ми е много добре; 8. сп. насрещен (при игра на крикет част от игрището срещу играча с хилката); 9. мор. от(към) морето; IV. n 1. сп. игрището при (пред) играча с хилката (при игра на крикет); 2. ам. несполука, неуспех; I've had my \offs and ons видял съм добри и лоши дни; V. v разг. 1. отказвам се от (споразумение, съглашение и под. с някого); 2. мор. поемам в открито море; 3. нар. свалям дреха; to \off with o.'s coat нар. свалям си палтото; 4.: to \off it отивам си, тръгвам си; VI. int марш!

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > off

  • 18 off

    adj. 1. \off with sb (rather, very, slightly, г. м. үгийн ард орвол) эелдэг бус, эвгүй гэсэн утгатай: She sounded rather \off on the phone. Тэр, нилээн ууртай утасдав. 2. муухан, тааруухан. 3. муудсан, бээсэн. This fish has gone/ is \off. Энэ загас муудсан байна. adv., prep. 1. хол. Be off/ off with you! Холд!/ Зайл! 2. (салгах, авах, тайлах гэсэн утгатай): take one's coat \off дээлээ тайл. 3. (хөдлөх, мордох, явах, уралдаан эхлэх гэсэн утгатай): She \off to Hong Kong tomorrow. Тэр маргааш Хонг Конг явна. 4. (төлөвлөсөн зүйлийг зогсоох, болих, хойшлуулах г. м. утгатай): The miner's strike is \off. Уурхайчдын ажил хаялт зогсчээ. 5. (таслах, зогсоох, унтраах гэсэн утгатай): The water is \off. Ус тасарчээ. 6. чөлөөтэй, чөлөө авсан. She's \off today. Тэр, өнөөдөр чөлөөтэй. 7. бага, үнэ бууруулсан. ten dollars \off the usual price ердийн үнээс арван доллараар бага. off and on/ on and off үе үе, завсарлагатай. It rained on and \off all day. Өдөржин бороо нэг ороод л нэг зогсоод байв. prep. 1. доошоо, доош нь. 2. -аас. Cut another slice \off the loaf. Талхнаас дахиад зүсээдэх. 3. -аас зайтай, хол. a big house \off the main street төв гудамжнаас хол том байшин. 4. гарах, хэрэглэхгүй байх. I'm \off alcohol for a week. Би долоо хоног архи уусангүй.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > off

  • 19 rain off

    to be rained off (cancelled) essere rinviato per la pioggia; (stopped) essere sospeso a causa della pioggia

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    * * *

    to be rained off (cancelled) essere rinviato per la pioggia; (stopped) essere sospeso a causa della pioggia

    English-Italian dictionary > rain off

  • 20 rain off

    (Amer.) rain out transitive verb

    be rained off or out — (be terminated) wegen Regen abgebrochen werden; (be cancelled) wegen Regen ausfallen

    * * *
    rain off BRIT, rain out
    vt passive AM
    to be \rain offed off [or out] wegen Regens abgesagt werden
    * * *
    (Amer.) rain out transitive verb

    be rained off or out — (be terminated) wegen Regen abgebrochen werden; (be cancelled) wegen Regen ausfallen

    English-german dictionary > rain off

См. также в других словарях:

  • rained off — (of a sport, outdoor activity, etc) cancelled because of rain • • • Main Entry: ↑rain …   Useful english dictionary

  • (be) rained off — be ˌrained ˈoff derived (BrE) (NAmE be ˌrained ˈout) (of an event) to be cancelled or to have to stop because it is raining • The game has been rained off again …   Useful english dictionary

  • rained off — /reɪnd ˈɒf/ (say raynd of) adjective 1. (of a sporting match) interrupted or cancelled because of rain. 2. (of the competitors in such a match) forced to suspend play because of rain …  

  • off\ and\ on — • off and on • on and off adv Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years. It rained off and on all day. Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. A worn out cord may make a hearing …   Словарь американских идиом

  • be rained off — (of an event) be cancelled or interrupted because of rain. → rain …   English new terms dictionary

  • off and on — also[on and off] {adv.} Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. * /Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years./ * /It rained off and on all day./ Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. * /A worn out cord may make a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off and on — also[on and off] {adv.} Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. * /Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years./ * /It rained off and on all day./ Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. * /A worn out cord may make a… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • off and on — adverb Date: 1535 with periodic cessation ; intermittently < rained off and on all day > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • off and on and off — ˌoff and ˈon/ˌon and ˈoff idiom from time to time; now and again • It rained on and off all day. Main entry: ↑offidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • on\ and\ off — • off and on • on and off adv Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years. It rained off and on all day. Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. A worn out cord may make a hearing …   Словарь американских идиом

  • rain off — PHR V PASSIVE If a sports game is rained off, it has to stop, or it is not able to start, because of rain. [BRIT] [be V ed P] Most of the games have been rained off. [V ed P] ...a rained off cricket match. (in AM, use be rained out) …   English dictionary

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